terrain for sale town Erra

Buy terrains in Erra. Town Erra is located in province Santarém, in region Coruche. Currently portugalcasa.co.uk has 2 terrains for sale in Erra. They can to be viewed over a total of 1 page. The average portugalcasa.co.uk real estate price when buying terrains in Erra is € 194.364.

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2 terrains

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terrain Erra


Erra Coruche terrain foto 230013
78 000 € - -

Buying a Terrain with a surface of 2080 m2 in Santarém. Buy this terrain in the region Coruche. In...

terrain Erra


Erra Coruche terrain foto 230012
75 000 € - -

Terrain with splendid garden or terrain of 4844 m2. For sale terrain in Erra. In Erra nice property for...

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